Take a photo with Zeng Zhiwei|Wong Cho Lam was invited to be the chief creative officer of TVB

[US] Zeng Zhiwei and Wang Zulan were named by Chairman Xu Tao and were appointed as Deputy General Manager and Chief Creative Officer of TVB, with immediate effect. [TW] 曾志偉和王祖藍同獲主席許濤點名,分別出任TVB副總經理及首席創意官,即日生效。

[US] Zu Lan and Li Yanan learned from America's Got Talent to host Terry Crews. [TW] 祖藍和李亞男向America's Got Talent主持Terry Crews取經。

Entering 2021, Wireless has new personnel appointments. Chairman Xu Tao announced that Zeng Zhiwei will serve as TVB's deputy general manager and special advisor to the administrative committee, taking full charge of variety shows and infotainment programs, with immediate effect.



